What Is OpenJDK and The Operation Of OpenJDK?

OpenJDK is a free, open-source version of the Java Development Kit for the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). The OpenJDK initiative, which stands for Open Java Development Kit, was started by Sun Microsystems in 2006 and is currently sponsored and directed by Oracle.

What Is OpenJDK?

The Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) is a free, open-source edition of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). The OpenJDK initiative, which stands for Open Java Development Kit, was started by Sun Microsystems in 2006 and is currently sponsored and directed by Oracle. The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) version 2 is the license for the project, with the exception of linking. Components that linked to the Java class library would be governed by GPL license rules if the linking exception did not exist.

OpenJDK has served as the recognized reference implementation since the debut of Java SE version 7. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the Java Class Library (JCL), the Java Compiler, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) are a few notable parts that are included in the OpenJDK project. OpenJDK is a lengthy, ongoing project in contrast to other JDK release projects, which concentrated on releasing one feature at a time before ceasing to exist. Every six months, new features for OpenJDK will be released under a strict, time-based model that is divided into development branches.

Implementations of Java SE are offered by organizations like Azul, Eclipse, IBM, Red Hat, Oracle, and SAP, and the OpenJDK Community is made up of academics, creators of open-source operating systems, and independent software developers. The default Java SE implementation provided by Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is OpenJDK.

Openjdk And Oracle Jdk

As part of the OpenJDK initiative, Oracle’s commercially licensed JDK was merged with it in 2017, and features that had previously been closed-source—like Java Flight Recorder and Java Mission Control—were transferred to the open-source community. Furthermore, it was stated that once OpenJDK binaries can be used interchangeably with the Oracle JDK, Oracle JDK will be primarily for commercial and support customers.

Oracle stated that it would continue to offer free updates for the Oracle JDK 8 until at least December 2020 for desktop personal use and January 2019 for business use. After that, users have the option of upgrading to a paid support package or using a different provider’s binary distribution of Java SE 8 and OpenJDK 8. Concerns about the rights to use Oracle JDK in comparison to Oracle’s OpenJDK builds in comparison to OpenJDK builds from other providers were raised by changes to Oracle JDK distribution and support among some Java users.


OpenJDK Supporters

Red Hat, which has increased its long-term support for OpenJDK on Windows, is one of OpenJDK’s leading contributors. For Java 11 and Java 8, Red Hat’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution already supports OpenJDK. Red Hat’s commitment to the main operating system and platforms for enterprise desktop, data center, and cloud environments, as well as to Java developers who run their applications on those frameworks, is strengthened by the company’s long-term support for OpenJDK on Windows.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has also made a commitment to OpenJDK, launching Amazon Corretto, an OpenJDK 8-based distribution, in late 2018 with long-term support at least through June 2023. Java’s popularity among AWS developers is demonstrated by Amazon’s dedication to supporting OpenJDK and maintaining its free nature. Beyond what Oracle currently offers for its distribution of OpenJDK 8, Amazon Corretto, which corresponds to OpenJDK 8, offers long-term support for more than four years. This guarantees that support for OpenJDK will be free for at least that long.

The Operation Of OpenJDK

Like other JVMs, OpenJDK operates similarly. Starting with a class file (.class), you use Java to compile it. The. class files are then linked together using old. The executable that is generated is then run.

Because OpenJDK doesn’t come with a standard library, it stands out from other JVMs in this regard.

As an alternative, it makes use of third-party libraries like Apache Harmony, Bouncy Castle, and numerous others. The ODK comes with all of these libraries.

Why Use OpenJDK

Three main factors influence people’s decision to use OpenJDK rather than the exclusive JVMs provided by Oracle and other vendors: performance, licensing, and security.


If security is a concern for you, you should be aware that OpenJDK is based on the same technology as Oracle’s own JVM. Consequently, you do not need to worry about installing additional software to secure your system.


OpenJDK heavily depends on third-party libraries, as was already mentioned. Some of them even have GPL licenses attached. This indicates that you are not required to pay royalties to use them. Additionally, some of the libraries are written in their native tongues, such as C++, C, and others.

Compared to Java-based implementations, they operate much more effectively.


You are not required to pay anything in order to use OpenJDK as long as you abide by the GPL’s terms. You will be able to use the JDK and JRE along with the ODK if you choose to go ahead and buy a commercial license.

Is Openjdk Free Of Bugs?

Though using OpenJDK has some drawbacks, it’s not all bad. When using OpenJDK Platform Binary, a common issue that many users run into is that it occasionally consumes 100% CPU.

Your computer may overwork itself as a result, slowing down other crucial components.

The Java Code contains a fix for this problem, so there is nothing that can be done about it. This problem isn’t common, but it can occasionally affect users of OpenJDK Platform Binary.